9/16/23 we will be travelling to the Moonshadow in western Maryland to play a quick show.
We hit this place a couple of tours ago and they treated us like Kings (and Queen). On our way into town we watched two cars in front of us run into each other head on (low speed) and bounce off into the shoulder ditches. We slowed and shot the gap making sure everyone was moving. As we passed we started to hear shouting between the two cars and being already late to the gig we declared it a YP not an MP. When we got to the gig we started to wonder if we were in the right place. It was clean and there were a bunch of kids in the back milling around the bar but the main bulk of the space was filled with families and a bunch of older folks sitting patient and expectedly in the tables. They had no idea.
Within ten minutes of the start of our set the police arrived looking stern. The owners of the place talked them down and urged us to play even louder. After the set there were approximately twice as many kids in the venue as when we started (no idea where they came from) and they were buying everything we brought and asking for autographs. We had some beers and watched these kids run off into the woods to their afterparty buzzing with energy. Mission accomplished.
We finished the night staying at a nearby organic farm, talked with the owners about philosophy and homesteading off-grid, extracting nut oil from all the walnut trees. I ended the night on a screened in veranda with a bed on it listening to the stream running by and i slept like the dead. In the AM we took some nice long walks on the grounds - all in all - one hell of a time like all true traveling menaces' to society do.
We are really looking forward to w weekend out in the country with possible charges.