The Giraffes - Ruled (CD)
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The Giraffes - Ruled (CD)
“See that giraffe on the cover? It died because this album was too awesome. Perhaps it’s an old photo and it died long before you or I were born, but make no mistake- the implication I’m trying to illustrate here is that this is a great album. Kids these days will try to go out and listen to it high and s***- I don’t recommend that. You will go insane from how awesome it is (been there, done that). I don’t know why this is listed anywhere near the “Comedy” genres on Amazon. This isn’t a funny album. It’s epic (in the true sense of the word), gentle, loaded with friction, and elegantly manly. Get drunk and listen to “The War” and try NOT to fight an army of gorillas with your bare fists. “The City” and “The Kids” will teach you lessons about life. Trust me.”